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Res patrimoni - x

Réseau des chercheurs sur les patrimonialisations / Network of Researchers on Heritagisations
Année de création : 2009
Domaines d'activité: arts, protection et valorisation du patrimoine, sciences humaines, sciences littéraires, sciences sociales
Domaines géographiques: International
Périodes chronologiques: Préhistoire-Protohistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge, Moderne, Contemporain-Temps présent
Présentation de la société :
This blog was created by a network of critical researchers on heritagizations of different countries and languages. The blog aims to provide easy access to information and updated news about critical analyses of heritage objects and practices within disciplines as varied as history, political sciences, geography and anthropology.
More than 450 people have joined the network – from students, PhD. holders, academic teachers and researchers to professionals of the curation field. With... (lire la suite...)
Exemple(s) de publication de la société (liste non exhaustive)